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Ave. Paseo de los Héroes No.10999 Consultorio 807. Zona Rio, Tijuana, Baja California, 22010Mexico

from 46 users
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Opening hours

Monday09:00 - 13:30 | 16:00 - 18:00
Tuesday09:00 - 13:30 | 16:00 - 18:00
Wednesday09:00 - 13:30 | 16:00 - 18:00
Thursday09:00 - 13:30 | 16:00 - 18:00
Friday09:00 - 13:30 | 16:00 - 18:00
Saturday09:00 - 14:00
Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.3 from 46 votes ★ Multi-specialty clinic - Ave. Paseo de los Héroes No.10999 Consultorio 807. Zona Rio, Tijuana, Baja California, 22010, Mexico.

Popular Treatments

Oncologist Consultation
Stretch Marks Removal
Allergy Testing

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers
Dermal Fillers
Lip Augmentation
Heart Disease Treatment
See all treatments & prices

About MediBiologica

A wide choice of biological therapies is provided at this clinic located at Tijuana in Mexico to treat patients with a wide range of adverse health conditions. Overseas patients are welcomed and treated at affordable prices by the trained and experienced team. Services are non invasive with no side effects and are both safe and effective treatments. Services provided by the team include homeopathy, ozone therapy, exercise therapy, neural therapy, chelation therapy, Vitamin C therapy, specialized therapies for cancer patients, general medical care counselling and psychotherapy, anti-ageing treatment, immunotherapy and cell therapy.

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Mary, US29.06.2014
I heard from Dr Duarte who took time with me on the phone and also did a thorough analysis of my medical history. I am pleased with the customer service.


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Oncologist Consultation

Our treatment concept includes a series of biological therapies within a comprehensive program that includes the main tools to attack the tumor and its circulating cells without weakening the patient, giving excellent results and overall quality of life appropriate for this fight.

This comprehensive strategy against cancer, non-toxic for all types of cancers, and in all its stages, is designed to stimulate the body's regulatory system, repair and immunize the mechanisms to recognize and kill cancer cells.
Always appropriate to individual needs and integrates the protocols that each patient needs


  • 1. - Allow you to suffer less getting the maximum benefits of the treatment  being applied, we are dedicated to help the patient to better tolerate their suffering and resulting in a way to cause cell apoptosis and get the cancer cell to die for itself.
  • 2. - Attempt to restore the metabolic pathways that have been damaged which eventually lead to tumor development.
  • 3. - Understand that if you modify the "ground" is possible to reverse the progression of tumor cells or cause them to suicide or apoptosis.

Our Program is phased and includes:

  • DETOX AND DRAINAGE: Detoxifying the patient with numerous techniques to help us change the conditions of congestion, and chronic inflammation affecting the patient which are the initial cause of cell damage.

    Producing a specific immune response , effectively and accurately recognizes circulating tumor cells, so they can be attacked by our innate defense system.

  • PROPER NUTRITION: alkalizing the patient to change the acidic medium in which tumor cells survive, maintaining a neutral pH or with low levels of alkaline which are not conducive for the multiplication of 

    malignant cells.

Medical Aesthetics



Iniciamos el tratamiento con subsicion que es una técnica que permite la ruptura de los tractos fibrosos, despegando y liberando la piel superficial del tejido subcutáneo reduciendo las depresiones (poceado) de los glúteos y muslos con celulitis.

Se utiliza anestesia local para infiltrar la zona a tratar, por lo que es un procedimiento ambulatorio; se recomienda el uso de faja para comprimir el área. No existen efectos secundarios. En la segunda sesión aplicamos  plasmagel para lograr una apariencia homogénea y con resultados sorprendentes.


Stretch Marks Removal



Es un tratamiento médico no quirúrgico, cuyo efecto inmediato es la eliminación de una parte del cutis más o menos profunda, y la regeneración de la piel renovando la matriz dérmica, y que sirve para eliminar las manchas de la cara, disminuir las arrugas y las marcas de acné.


Con esta exfoliación se logra que la piel elimine las capas superficiales y se renueve más rápidamente; la piel produce células nuevas haciéndola más joven y fresca.  El resultado es una piel más luminosa, más joven, limpia, uniforme, compacta y elástica.

Las zonas más frecuentes a tratar son las siguientes: Cara, Cuello, dorso de las manos  y Codos.



  • - Puede realizarse en cualquier época del año, en cualquier tipo de piel y en cualquier parte del cuerpo,   aunque el más frecuente  es el peeling de cara y  escote.
  • - Es rápido, sencillo y trata toda la cara en su conjunto.
  • - No precisa anestesia ni ingreso en clínica
  • - Elimina las manchas de la cara
  • - Elimina las marcas de acné.
  • - Elimina las pequeñas arrugas.
  • - Disminuye las arrugas medias y surcos.
  • - Da vitalidad y devuelve el aspecto juvenil a la cara.


Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers



Es un tratamiento médico no quirúrgico, cuyo efecto inmediato es la eliminación de una parte del cutis más o menos profunda, y la regeneración de la piel renovando la matriz dérmica, y que sirve para eliminar las manchas de la cara, disminuir las arrugas y las marcas de acné.


Con esta exfoliación se logra que la piel elimine las capas superficiales y se renueve más rápidamente; la piel produce células nuevas haciéndola más joven y fresca.  El resultado es una piel más luminosa, más joven, limpia, uniforme, compacta y elástica.

Las zonas más frecuentes a tratar son las siguientes: Cara, Cuello, dorso de las manos  y Codos.



  • - Puede realizarse en cualquier época del año, en cualquier tipo de piel y en cualquier parte del cuerpo,   aunque el más frecuente  es el peeling de cara y  escote.
  • - Es rápido, sencillo y trata toda la cara en su conjunto.
  • - No precisa anestesia ni ingreso en clínica
  • - Elimina las manchas de la cara
  • - Elimina las marcas de acné.
  • - Elimina las pequeñas arrugas.
  • - Disminuye las arrugas medias y surcos.
  • - Da vitalidad y devuelve el aspecto juvenil a la cara.



Dermal Fillers


Es la novedad de la tecnología cosmética, y la nueva  tendencia en belleza. Exfolia la piel utilizando puntas diamante de diferentes calibres en  forma de varita, las cuales actúan mediante el tallado continuo y el aspirado de la capa más superficial de la piel; esto hace que las células muertas y dañadas sean retiradas automáticamente, a la vez que se estimula el crecimiento de células nuevas, la circulación sanguínea, y se promueve la formación de fibras de colágeno. Combinando este procedimiento con el cuidado apropiado de la piel, esta  se torna más  luminosa dando un aspecto saludable.

Exfolia la piel  de  modo suave; basta simplemente con seleccionar el tamaño de la punta y la presión del aspirado para determinar el grado de abrasión. 

La  Micro dermoabrasión funciona para diferentes tipos de piel inclusive la piel más sensible.

Ventajas de la microdermoabrasión


1. Recupera de la calidad de la piel y reconstruye la piel sana;
2. Atenúa las arrugas, endurecimiento y envejecimiento de la piel;
3. Mejora las líneas de expresión y la flacidez de la piel;
4. Elimina marcas;
5. Mejora poros abiertos, pequeñas cicatrices y hendiduras cóncavas;
6. Estimula la circulación sanguínea;                                                                 
7. No ocasiona irritación, no se presentan dolores fuertes, no se necesita de anestesia;
8. Adecuada para varios tipos de piel, inclusive pieles sensibles
9. Se controla fácilmente, no tiene efectos secundarios, es segura y confiable


Lip Augmentation

Existen muchas técnicas para  aumentar el volumen  de los  labios; una de ellas es el

el cual se obtiene de la separación del plasma de la de sangre extraída del paciente. El plasma 

 se somete a un proceso especial para formar el gel que posteriormente inyectaremos en los labios para dar volumen y así, dar una apariencia más juvenil y fresca al rostro.


Medical Aesthetics Specialist Consultation




Ultrasonic Hidrolipoclasia

Hair Loss Treatments



La caída de pelo (alopecia) es una de las causas más frecuentes de consulta. Existen avances médicos en el tratamiento de la alopecia y dentro del campo de las terapias celulares que ya se está aplicando en el tratamiento de la caída de cabello con buenos resultados es el . El plasma es una parte de la sangre que al ser centrifugada acumula gran cantidad de plaquetas, células ricas en factores de crecimiento encargadas de regenerar los tejidos.


En los últimos tiempos, el plasma rico en plaquetas (también llamado "[Treatment name redacted]") se ha convertido en  una auténtica revolución en diferentes campos de la medicina, como en medicina deportiva, en medicina estética y también en la cicatrización de úlceras, y ahora comienza a aplicarse en el tratamiento de la alopecia con excelentes resultados.

General Practice


Allergy Specialist Consultation

Los factores de transferencia están formados de tres fracciones separadas que equilibran el sistema inmunológico para que produzca una respuesta más eficaz. Estas tres fracciones son el INDUCTOR, el ANTIGENO ESPECIFICO, y el SUPRESOR. La fracción del inductor proporciona un entrenamiento básico para poner alerta al sistema inmunológico. La fracción del antígeno específico es como un conjunto de carteles de “se busca” que ayudan a identificar carácterísticas importantes del enemigo infeccioso. Finalmente, la fracción del supresor es capaz de reconocer la derrota del enemigo y entonces calmar al sistema inmunológico nuevamente hasta regresarlo a su nivel normal.

A diferencia de la mayoría de los suplementos para el sistema inmunológico que solamente proporcionan bloques de construcción para una función inmune apropiada, los factores de transferencia también proporcionan inteligencia inmunológica. Son la información y la educación las que ayudan a enfocar el sistema inmunológico manteniéndolo activo y eficaz.

Todas las personas que necesiten un aumento en su actividad inmunológica pueden beneficiarse de consumir factores de transferencia. Los beneficios principales son:

1) Tener un sistema inmunológico más fuerte, tenerlo es la clave para mantener y recuperar una buena salud.

2) Sistema inmunológico capaz de reconocer amenazas más rápidamente; responder ante amenazas en menor tiempo y recordar las amenazas a las que se ha enfrentado en el pasado.


Allergy Testing


Asthma Specialist Consultation


Diabetes Consultation


The field of regenerative medicine is rapidly evolving, opening the way for new therapeutic interventions through cell therapy and tissue engineering approaches that are reshaping the biomedical field. The remarkable plasticity of different subsets of cells derived from human embryonic and adult tissues from different sources (including bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid, placenta, and adipose tissue) led research efforts to evaluate the use of these cells for numerous diseases, including diabetes and its complications.  

Bone marrow is an easily accessible source of multipotent [Treatment name removed], which comprehend hematopoietic [Treatment name removed] progenitors, endothelial, and mesenchymal. These are characterized by the expression of specific surface markers and their ability to differentiate into fat, bone, or cartilage, when exposed to appropriate culture conditions.

Recent clinical trials have shown potent immunomodulatory effects of Mesenchymal [Treatment name removed] (MSCs) to treat graft versus host disease, to improve the results of renal allograft using lower immunosuppressive regimens to reduce  immune cell activation in patients with multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Autologous mesenchymal [Treatment name removed] are shown to improve the lesions of Crohn's disease refractory to other therapies and tested for the treatment of ischemic hearts.


Diabetes Treatment

  • his is a simple and safe three day procedure, which takes growth factor into great consideration. The day before starting treatment blood tests are run as well as blood count, SMAC or Full Blood chemistry, glycosylated hemoglobin and urinalysis, and growth factor applies.
  • The day after the procedure is done under light sedation, more growth factor, a  cell count and cell viability test is done. The procedure takes around 2 hours. 
  • Evaluation of: glycosylated hemoglobin, proteinuria, number of medications, neuropathy and changes in visual acuity.
  • Checkup is scheduled 3 months after, at which time the patient will have to repeat the tests. Results are sent via email to assess the effectiveness of therapy, should there be improvement a second procedure can be done after 4 months (to increase the percentage of improvement).
  • Being a systemic disease, application is intravenous.  Since this therapy is not selective, we are able to take advantage of all the different types of [Treatment name removed] contained in bone marrow, and the patient has the opportunity to enhance or regenerate other tissues or organs.

Dietician Consultation

El aumento de peso y volumen corporal  se debe al incremento en el consumo de alimentos   que el organismo requiere y gasta para realizar sus actividades diarias.   Existen varios factores por los cuales algunas personas tienen más peso del adecuado o suben de peso con mayor facilidad que otras, por ejemplo: herencia, genética, metabolismo, edad, actividad física o alteraciones orgánicas; sin embargo, la causa más común  SON LOS MALOS HÁBITOS DE ALIMENTACIÓN, que en muchos casos son ocasionados  por tensión nerviosa, alteraciones psicológicas relacionadas con la comida o falta de información nutricional. 

Es una enfermedad crónica ocasionada  por múltiples  factores y con numerosas complicaciones; se caracteriza por el exceso de grasa en el organismo y se presenta cuando el Índice de Masa Corporal en el adulto es mayor de 25 unidades. La obesidad no distingue color de piel, edad, nivel socioeconómico, sexo o situación geográfica. Anteriormente se consideraba que la persona con sobrepeso  gozaba de buena salud; sin embargo, ahora conocemos los inconvenientes que esta situación genera en nuestra vida diaria. Con excepción de las personas  muy musculosas, aquellas cuyo peso supera en un 20 por ciento o más el punto medio de la escala de peso según el valor estándar peso/altura, son consideradas obesas.


La obesidad puede ser clasificada como leve (del 20 al 40 % de sobrepeso), moderada (del 41 al 100 por cien de sobrepeso) o grave (más del cien por cien de sobrepeso). La obesidad es grave en solamente el 0,5 por ciento de las personas obesas; Sin embargo, no existe una definición satisfactoria para esta enfermedad, tampoco una proporción de peso a talla donde podamos definir  las enfermedades y complicaciones asociadas que limitan y acortan la vida.



GP Consultation


Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases, such as cancer are on the rise  - Cancer is considered a degenerative disease, due to its complexity in terms of causes, organs which may be affected and complications that may occur, hence the importance of seeing the patient in a holistic manner to provide the best and the most comprehensive approach to treatment.

Cancer diagnosis is one of the most frightening news that a patient can get from their doctor.  Biological medicine states, cancer is simply the result of many toxins in our bodies causing an internal crisis decreasing vitality. The origin lies in one or more factors.

Emotional trauma, repressed emotions, lack of hydration, nutritional deficiencies, stress, heavy metal accumulation, waste disposal hampering by the body. When these wastes build up in organs or viscera cause inflammation, irritation, swelling and abnormal cell growth. 

These tumor cells are deprived of nutrients necessary for survival. Forced to mutate and ingest any substance in its way including toxins to survive, take over all nutrients, such as glucose, calcium and magnesium, causing whole organs cease to function properly.

Sugar is cancer´s favorite food as it gains energy quickly.

  • Cancer occurs in a specific environment that fosters the growth of tumors in the body.
  • This environment develops due to many causes and conditions which varies from one individual to another.
  • These causes remain chronically active even after removal of the tumor.

Men's Health Consultation

[Treatment name removed] are found in multicellular organisms.  [Treatment name removed] can be defined as progenitor cells that have the ability to renew themselves through cell division and differentiate into a wide range of cell types.  They replace lost or dying cells and assist in the repair of tissues damaged by cancer progression, previous cancer treatments, or chronic degenerative conditions. Also maintain normal rotation regeneration of organs, such as blood, skin, intestinal tissue and the immune system.

[Treatment name removed] are the body´s progenitor cells; they have self-renewal capacity through cell division and become any of the 200 types of cells, except placenta cells. They have the ability to multiplyindefinitely, become highly specialized and replace cells that die or are lost.

[Treatment name removed] are cells that have precise self-replicating ability and divide consecutively, generating new tissue  repairing  the body when they are damaged by various causes or  malfunction due to the presence of various pathologies, such as diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's , kidney or lung disease. The affected organs are susceptible to regenerate through self-replication capacity and cell regeneration.

Therefore assist in the repair of damaged organs and tissues caused by cancer progression, prior cancer therapies, or chronic degenerative conditions.  Also maintain the normal rotation of the regeneration of organs, such as blood, skin and tissue intestinal. Autologous [Treatment name removed] (from the patient’s own bone marrow) do not have any adverse effects or rejection.



Weight Loss Consultation



Primero debemos analizar su caso en particular y entender que la principal razón para bajar de peso es su salud y no la estética. Antes de iniciar el tratamiento y fijarnos una meta debemos saber que no todas las personas pueden ser delgadas o tener los cuerpos perfectos que nos muestran los medios de comunicación. Lo importante es llegar a un peso saludable  que nos haga sentir y vernos bien.


El médico puede estimar un peso ideal en la primera consulta; sin embargo,  el peso adecuado y el tiempo para llegar a él depende de varios factores: Sobrepeso, edad, estatura, metabolismo, estado de salud, actividad física, etc.



Women's Health Consultation

[Treatment name removed] are found in multicellular organisms.  [Treatment name removed] can be defined as progenitor cells that have the ability to renew themselves through cell division and differentiate into a wide range of cell types.  They replace lost or dying cells and assist in the repair of tissues damaged by cancer progression, previous cancer treatments, or chronic degenerative conditions. Also maintain normal rotation regeneration of organs, such as blood, skin, intestinal tissue and the immune system.

[Treatment name removed] are the body´s progenitor cells; they have self-renewal capacity through cell division and become any of the 200 types of cells, except placenta cells. They have the ability to multiplyindefinitely, become highly specialized and replace cells that die or are lost.

[Treatment name removed] are cells that have precise self-replicating ability and divide consecutively, generating new tissue  repairing  the body when they are damaged by various causes or  malfunction due to the presence of various pathologies, such as diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's , kidney or lung disease. The affected organs are susceptible to regenerate through self-replication capacity and cell regeneration.

Therefore assist in the repair of damaged organs and tissues caused by cancer progression, prior cancer therapies, or chronic degenerative conditions.  Also maintain the normal rotation of the regeneration of organs, such as blood, skin and tissue intestinal. Autologous [Treatment name removed] (from the patient’s own bone marrow) do not have any adverse effects or rejection.



Physical Therapy

Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is an intravenous infusion of EDTA-Na2 (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid) to treat poisoning from heavy metals and remove toxic waste and other unwanted substances from your body. It is also used specifically to help remove calcified deposits and other minerals in different parts of the body, especially in the arteries, which prevent normal blood flow. Blood carries nutrients and oxygen throughout the body to, every organ, tissue and system of our body. 


 is essential to correct the treatment of circulatory disorders. While other herbs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids may help contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system, it is always the EDTA that makes the chelation process successful.


Cell Regeneration Therapy

Orthomolecular Medicine a medical and health therapy which proves  that many diseases and abnormalities result from various chemical imbalances or deficiencies and can be prevented, treated, or sometimes cured by achieving optimal levels of naturally occurring chemical substances, such as vitamins, dietary minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, lipotropes, essential fatty acids, prohormones, dietary fiber and intestinal short chain fatty acids. We can say that orthomolecular medicine, is preventive and curative medicine, For instance we can treat a person who is stressed, before a stomach ulcer or a pancreatic crisis of hypertension or deregulation occurs which can cause diabetes, or psychological post trauma of an immune blockage. 



  • Preventive: Keeps biocelular energetic balance
  • Curative: when the nutrient deficiencies in cells are manifest.


Orthomolecular medicine attempts to maintain an optimal molecular balance between our internal and natural elements such as:


  • Enzimatic balance
  • Endocrinologic balance
  • Nutritional balance




Homotoxicology is a science of medicine that studies the action of homotoxins physiological processes and their presence creates an altered state of health, which we call disease.

 The three fundamental pillars of Antihomotoxic Medicine – the detoxification and cleansing, inmunomodulation and the organic support. - are used to restore balance to the best possible way. For us and for our patients is of vital importance to begin and continue a proper process of drainage and detoxification parallel to the management of all diseases in order to maintain balance on the field that we are treating, which allows maximum favorable response on prognosis and quality of life of our patients.


Anti Aging

Skin is the largest organ in the body and is composed of 3 layers. The epidermis is the outermost layer; the dermis also called skin, lies below the epidermis and contains a rich plexus of blood vessels, nerves, lymph vessels, sweat glands, fat cells and hair follicles. The last layer of the skin is the sub dermis also called the subcutaneous tissue which contains fat, blood and lymph vessels and acts as a protective cushion. This layer serves many functions such as protecting against a variety of external agents such as chemicals and microorganisms. 

Cell rehabilitation through 

biological medicine

 significantly stops the deterioration of cells. This rehabilitation is accomplished through the incorporation of advanced biological changes in the body, bio stimulation with growth factors and with many other resources that Bio regulation medicine has to offer.




 (also called 

biologic therapy 



) is a type of 

cancer treatment 

 that uses the body's immune system to fight cancer, may act as follows:  

Stimulates the body's anti-tumor response by increasing the number of ( Natural Killer

s) killer cells of the  tumors or produces one or more chemical messengers (mediators). 

Acts directly as destructive agents on tumors or as chemical messengers. 

Curbs the body's normal mechanisms that decrease the immune response. 

Disrupts tumor cells, thereby increasing the probability of triggering an immune response, or by making them more susceptible to damage by the immune system. 

Stops or slows the growth of cancer cells. 

Prevents the cancer 

 from spreading to other parts of the body. 

Helps the immune system 

 be more effective in eliminating 

cancer cells. 

Increases the body's tolerance to radiation or chemicals used in chemotherapy.


Detox Program

There is a cleaning process that takes place in your body every day. The intestines, liver and kidneys are involved in this process as well as the lymphatic system and skin. These organs are responsible for removing toxins we receive daily from the environment, stress, and food by means of waste products which may no longer be a threat.

However if you have gone through chemotherapy or radiation, most likely your system is overloaded with waste products accumulated without excretion. The cancer cells are not the only cells affected by chemotherapy. Chemotherapeutic agents are very strong and fill the body of toxic wastes and heavy metals leaving patients tired and physically and immunologically weakened; causing many other diseases and symptoms that affects their quality of life. The healthy normal cells are also destroyed in the process. This major side effect causes fatigue, abdominal distension, weakness, digestive problems, headaches, muscle aches, poor memory, nausea, and serious damage to internal organs such as kidneys and especially  the liver (the organ in which drugs and chemicals are processed).



Ozone Therapy

s the use of ozone as a therapeutic agent through a medical ozone generator, specially designed to administer the required dose for each individual patient, useful in all kinds of chronic and degenerative diseases, especially circulatory, digestive and joint problems.  

Ozone therapy is a technique that involves the use of ozone gas as a catalyst.


In medical terms, it is the technique that uses ozone gas as a therapeutic agent in many diseases. Being considered by our Association as an atom-molecular medicine,  ozone is formed by an atom and an oxygen molecule, which acts as normalizing cell metabolism.   

1. Accelerates the use of glucose by cells, hence recommended for diabetics. 

2. Direct reaction of unsaturated fatty acids become soluble, thereby allowing the removal of localized fat and cellulite. 

3. Regulates  cellular oxidative stress (anti-free Radicals). 

4. Germicidal effect, bactericidal, virucidal, micocida, parasiticide. 

5. Regenerative action on cells and tissues to promote healing of ulcers, sores and wounds. 

6. Blocks the release of nociceptive peptides, which are substances involved in pain sensation (analgesic effect). 

7. Regulates the production of substances involved in inflammation (anti-inflammatory). 

8. Increases oxygen metabolism, increasing its uptake and released by red blood cells to tissues, improving blood circulation and cell oxygenation. Because of this property it is effective in vascular diseases: cerebral, coronary, peripheral arterial and venous. 

9. Revitalizing natural defense systems of cells and stimulating the enzymes that determine proper nutrition of the cells, which slows the aging of the same. 

In general ozone therapy makes the body's physiological processes work efficiently,


Vitamin C Therapy

Vitamin C is a necessary biological cofactor of many enzymes that have important metabolic functions in our body, related to the formation of collagen molecules (essential for connective tissue), with the biosynthesis of carnitine (necessary for the energy use of lipids), with obtaining nor epinephrine (a hormone and, simultaneously a neurotransmitter), with the absorption and metabolism of iron stored, as well as many others. Ascorbic acid is an effective antioxidant quite destructive of oxygen free radicals, involved in cellular aging processes and constituents of the origin of many degenerative diseases, malignant and cardiovascular diseases. In  radicals we have superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, peroxil, oxysulfide, nitroxide and others. It can also offset other non- radical oxygen reactive species such as singlet oxygen, hypochlorous acid, peoxynitrous acid, ozone and nitro sating agents.


All this leads to various beneficial effects of ascorbic acid: a) inhibition on plasma lipids and lipoproteins of per oxidations caused by the activating effects of infections or tobacco smoke constituents; b) decreased natural oxidation and the one caused by the haemoglobin molecules, our precious blood protein carrying oxygen necessary for the metabolism of our cells; c) elimination of dangerous oxidants like hydrogen peroxide, present in some animal tissues; d) improved vascular function in patients with vascular disease; e) respiratory protection against airborne contaminants, and many other similar possibilities. 

Beneficial Effects in the Treatment of Some Diseases: 

Studies have shown that vitamin C plays an important role in the treatment of cancer and  t “high doses of vitamin C selectively inhibit cancer cells without affecting normal cells”. 

Making changes in life patterns brought before the disease is fundamental to obtain best results. 


Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy means treatment on the Neuro Vegetative System (NVS), also called Peripherial Nervous or Self Nervous System which is what allows us to perform automatic functions (for example those that are not subject to our will and controlling of our organs and vital systems).The purpose of Neural Therapy is to facilitate self-healing mechanisms of the unhealthy body by nonspecific stimuli at specific points.  

Any infection, inflammation, trauma, scarring, dental disease, etc. experienced anywhere in the body as well as mental stress conditions, may act as Field Interference. So we can understand how after surgery  "diseases apparently unrelated to the operation" may appear. Such as allergies, migraines, pain or constipation, like  a child who has suffered from tonsillitis and has received many different suppressor treatments ends up suffering from asthma after a few years.


To neutralize these irritations a substance called procaine is injected in the points of the nervous system that are considered to be more irritated and could be determinant factors in the disease. The results with Neural Therapy may be immediate and usually increases with repetition, until the absence of symptoms; unlike medication in which the body eventually gets use to the medication hence required to change or increase the doses to achieve similar effects.



Articular Injuries

Lesiones Osteomusculares

El  Plasma Rico en Plaquetas contiene Los factores de crecimiento que son proteínas que actúan como señales de  comunicación entre las células, provocando reacciones a nivel hormonal y de neurotransmisores que intervienen en la regulación de la reproducción y crecimiento celular. Es por esto que se utiliza  su potencial regenerativo, analgésico y antiinflamatoriodel [Treatment name redacted] infiltrado en articulaciones, tendinitis, lesiones  musculares, tendinosas, cicatrización de ulceras y heridas y también en trastornos degenerativos: artrosis, condropatías y problemas de cicatrización en ligamentos y otras lesiones musculoesqueléticas. 

Para la artrosis de rodilla combinamos su aplicación con la ozonoterapia 

potenciando el efecto regenerativo del [Treatment name redacted], garantizando su esterilidad y añadiendo los efectos conocidos del ozono como antioxidante y eliminación de radicales libres.



Acne Treatment

Para el tratamiento del acné realizamos procedimientos combinados que nos permiten obtener mejores resultados.


La homotoxicologia  la empleamos para depurar el organismo, liberándolo de toxinas que son sustancias que agravan la condición de la piel. Lamicrodermoabrasión previa a la aplicación de , mediante la técnica  de Mesoterapia  estimula la producción de colágeno, elastina y tejido epidérmico, con lo cual la piel se ve más joven, tersa y luminosa.   En cicatrices de acné disminuye  la profundidad y diámetro de las mismas; en casos de rosácea y  telangiectasias faciales  al activar el factor  transformador alfa de crecimiento que estimula a las células mesenquimales y  la formación de nuevos vasos sanguíneos observamos mejoría en el aspecto  y color de la piel.


Dermatitis Treatment


Rosacea Treatment


Skin Cancer Screening



Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment



Heart Disease Treatment

Holistic Health


Holistic Health Consultation

Traditional medicine has many triumphs, but their treatments for chronic and degenerative diseases, are not among them. Conventional treatments are not aimed at the causes of the disease, often resulting in increased progression of the disease through the same treatment given and delay the correct approach on the appropriate therapy which should be given. These conventional therapies often have little or no benefit and compromise a terrible quality of life for the patient. 

Depending on the diagnosis and individual circumstances, biological-integrative treatments may serve as a principal treatment or in combination with other  therapies, this means that in cases where orthodox treatment is carried out.

Conventional foods are grown increasingly with the use large amounts of artificial fertilizers. That is the reason that these foods are exposed to significantly higher concentrations of heavy metals, nitrates and pesticides in organically grown foods. Furthermore, "food" hardly grown in this manner contains vitamins, minerals or trace elements. Consequently, we are more and more frequently forced to buy expensive supplements because of the lack of these from the natural source.

Biological Treatment of cancer is based on a combination of comprehensive strategies. Consequently, Biological medicine has developed individual combinations of various therapies in order to cure the patient, rather than the disease itself. 

A key aspect, of course, is prevention. A healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy balanced diet, sufficient physical activity and emotional stability are perfect conditions for a significant reduction of risk. We believe that these issues are of utmost importance.

Beauty Salon Treatments


Body Treatment

La hidrolipoclasia ultrasónica se basa en un principio físico que es la capacidad que tiene el ultrasonido de difundir en agua. Al infiltrar "los rollitos" con agua o solución fisiológica estéril, el ultrasonido produce algo que se llama "cavitación", que viene a ser algo así como un "estallido" de la grasa. Esta grasa que acaba de "estallar" entra en el corriente linfático o sanguíneo y se elimina con la orina.

Todas las células grasas tienen "receptores", pero hay dos que se distinguen: los Alfa-2 y los Beta. Los hombres producen más receptores Beta que Alfa, mientras que las mujeres producen más receptores Alfa que Beta.   La principal diferencia es que los receptores Alfa movilizan la grasa, mientras que los Beta no. Las mujeres tienen el 80% de los receptores Alfa localizados en la zona de las caderas, los muslos, glúteos y las chaparreras. Allí los hombres tienen receptores Beta, por lo tanto no movilizan grasa hacia estas zonas. Esta es la razón por la cual las mujeres se ensanchan más de las caderas y chaparreras y los hombres no.

Una vez realizada la hidrolipoclasia tradicional, en la cual se infiltra la zona a tratar, se aplica el  ultrasonido por un tiempo de 20 minutos. Una vez terminada la aplicación del ultrasonido, queda el área tratada un poco inflamada por el liquido pero éste será eliminado naturalmente en unas 48 horas por la orina.


Las sesiones se realizan una vez por semana o cada diez días. Los resultados son inmediatos pero variables de persona a persona. Algunas  mujeres notan una reducción de hasta dos tallas en dos o tres sesiones solamente, pero algunas tardan un poco más.


Hand Rejuvenation

Las manchas cutáneas son cambios en el color de la piel que  puede presentarse por envejecimiento, exposición al sol u otras formas de luz ultravioleta, además de muchas otras causas.


El Rejuvenecimiento de Manos, es un tratamiento médico que consiste en eliminar las manchas y aportar el volumen perdido del dorso de la mano; para esto empleamos técnicas como el peeling químico, exfoliación y la aplicación de plasmagel, para devolver  la apariencia de una mano joven y tersa.


Facial Rejuvenation




Peeling Medical

MediBiologica - Dr Jose Ricardo Duenas Saboya

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Private Patients Welcome
Dr Jose Ricardo Duenas Saboya - Doctor at MediBiologica

Dr Jose Ricardo Duenas Saboya

Registration Number:
Job Title:
  Allergy and Immunology, Anti-Aging Medicine, Family Medicine, Homoeopathy
  English, Spanish


Was Born in Bogota, Colombia on December 22, 1962 and studied the career of Medical Surgeon at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon in Monterrey, Mexico (1984-1991) - Graduated in Homeopathy at the Homeopathic Colombian Medical Association, Advanced Hyperbaric Medicine, and Biological Medicine Specialist with emphasis in Homotoxicology, at the University of Sonora, Mexico. 

Specialist for the Management of Cancer and Chronic Degenerative Diseases in Bogota, Colombia & Mexico. 

Medical Practice Regulating Biological and Functional with a view Homotoxicology to improve the quality of life and prevent degeneration in diseases with Ozone therapy and [Treatment name removed]. 

Management of Patients with Cancer and other chronic and degenerative diseases with Immunotherapy and Cell Therapy Integrative so.

Dr Gina Margarita Castellanos Beltran - Doctor at MediBiologica

Dr Gina Margarita Castellanos Beltran

Job Title:
  Aesthetic Medicine, Anti-Aging Medicine, Family Medicine, General Practice, Homoeopathy

1992 -present: General Practice Medicine in private practice. 1999 to 2002: Physicians affiliated with the International Organization Sanitas (EPS Sanitas) Special Surgery in Bogota - Colombia. 2003 -present: Management in Nutritional Clinic in Bogota, Colombia, 2001 -2002. 

Weight Control and Obesity Management in private practice 2006 to date: Treatments Aesthetic Medicine and Anti Aging, Guadalajara, Jal. Mexico. 2006 -2007. 

Show Phone Number

Ave. Paseo de los Héroes No.10999 Consultorio 807. Zona Rio, Tijuana, Baja California, 22010Mexico